Domaine de recherche et d’Innovation Majeur (DIM) BioConvergence pour la Santé - Call 2023 - II / PhD fellowships

BioConvergence pour la Santé (BioConvS) is a “Domaine d'Intérêt Majeur” (DIM) initiative from the Région Ile-de-France which aims to structure the synthetic biology, biotherapy and bioproduction communities, to guide the transition from scientific excellence to innovation, and to position Île-de-France region as an international reference in the domain.

BioConvS is led by Université Paris Cité in partnership with Sorbonne University, Curie Institute - PSL, Micalis Institute (INRAe, AgroParisTech, Saclay University), INSERM, Généthon, Génopole and others. BioConvS groups actors from the public and private sectors and benefits from 12.5M€ support from the Ile de France Region. More details about DIM BioConvS on:

About the call

This call will finance four PhD fellowships on projects in line with one of the DIM BioConvS' thematic axes:

  • Bioengineering and bioproduction
  • Development of therapeutic proofs of principle
  • New, high throughput and standardizable analytical methods
  • Digital or AI tools to improve data analysis or modeling in quality control and production methods
  • Ensure a responsible, ethical and inclusive Bioconvergence

It is open from March 22nd to May 31st, 2023. Only theses supervised by at least two teams (the second team can be a company) located in Ile-de-France are eligible for this call.

Additional teams may participate in the project to provide additional specific expertise without geographical limitation. Teams outside the Ile-de-France region will not be funded.

As indicated above, start-ups and companies from the Ile de France region can also be associated with the project but will not be funded under this call. Participation in a company project will be a plus.

Projects must be written in English, but a summary in French is required.

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